Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dop Seven
Yucaipa, Ca
Members of POD 7
A Surreal Vision

Featured Artists:
  • Dorothes Tanning
  • Ricardo Siccuro
  • Lori Earley
  • C215
  • Swoon
  • Bansky
  • Duece 7
  • Diam
  • Mark Frazier
  • Craig Tracy
As a group we came up with the theme surrealism.  Surrealism is an early 20th century movement in art and literature that tried to represent the subconscious mind by creating fantastic imagery and juxtaposing ideas that seem to contradict each other.  As an individual,  we interpreted what we believed to be the meaning of surreal, something that is bizarre in nature, weirdly unfamiliar, distorted, or disturbing, like what you may experience in a dream and created a universal presentation ranging  from oil and acrylic paintings, to graffiti, to body painting.

We chose pieces that would not be concluded to be of the norm, or a piece of everyday art. There is a distortion to each piece of art and a sense of unfamiliarity when looking at each one.  Art gives us a way to express ourselves in such a way to make our lives infinitely rich and is both inspirational and functional in our everyday lives.  Which also gives us an inspirational outlet to the world. 

The Art world is in a constant swirl of change and keeps up with the constant change of society, bringing different mediums and perspectives to the table. The connections we made are because of our love for the art.  Its not particularly about the piece itself, but rather how the piece speaks to each one of us as being the individual.
Oil Painting-Dorothea Tanning

"Truth About Commets," Dorothea Tanning, Oil on Canvas, 24"x24," 1945
Acrylic Painting-Ricardo Siccuro

"Tiger," Ricardo Siccuro, Acrylic on Canvas, 43.3"x31.5", 2009
Oil Painting-Lori Earley

"Cocktail Hour," Lori Earley, Oil on Board, 24"x36", 2007


Street Art by C215 Paris (France), Spray Paint on Wall, 12'x4,' 2009

"Switchback Sisters," Swoon (photograph by O-Monster), Wheat Paste, NYC, 11'x5', June 7, 2008


Graffiti Depicting Graffiti Removal, Bansky, Spray Paint on Wall, Leake St in London May 2008 (painted over Augest 2008

Friday, December 3, 2010

Graffiti-Duece 7

Graffiti-Duece 7

"Street Art," Duece-7, Spray Paint on Wall (Photograph), 500x357 pixels, Williamsburg Bridge NY, NY, Feb 22, 2007  


"Left Attention," Diam, City Center, Las Vegas, Spray Paint on Wall, 69'x15',  Aug. 24, 2010
Body Painting-Mark Fraizer

"Body", Mark Frazier,Body Painting/3 Dimentional Art,5'6"&5"5", 2008
Body Painting-Craig Tracy

"The Last South China Tiger," Craig Tracy, Body Paint-Photography, 32"x19", 2007
As a group we learned that art as a whole is a collective expression of emotions.  We learned that each piece of art intertwines with each other no matter the theme, with each piece obtaining its own beauty.  The expressions of each piece intertwined together express a different meaning to each individual onlooker.  Art is in the eye of the beholder and the individual alone decides what is beautiful, and meaningful to them.

With our theme being surrealism, each one of our POD members had a different perspective to what is bizarre, or unfamiliar, but in the end the connections were unmistakable. We started our presentation with works representing the definition of surrealism and carried on through the end where we presented a humanistic look into surrealism.

The challenge of this project was not the initial finding of the actual work, but finding the label information needed to complete our presentation.  We found it to be easy to type in a theme and have an infinite collection to view, but the research behind the pieces was what made this project challenging.

The job of being a curator was exciting in the sense that we as the individuals had free reign on choosing the theme's topic and our own personal art as being representative. Through this process, we found that the mediums of art is connected to each other on so many levels, that no matter what theme we chose, we could have found relation in each piece presented.